Sustainability Policy Tiki hut hostel
Tiki Hut hostel is a company committed to sustainability; In each of our actions we work so that our activities contribute to the growth of the region, within a framework of transparency, equity and respecting the legislation, considering the expectations of our stakeholders and acting in coherence.
Human rights
Support and respect the protection of universally recognized fundamental human rights, within its sphere of influence.
Labor Standards:
Support the elimination of all forms of forced or forced labor.
Support the eradication of child labor.
Support the abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation.
Maintain a preventive approach that favors the environment.
Encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility.
Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
At Tiki hut hostel
We promote sustainability through initiatives that generate value in order to contribute to the economic growth of our community, social development and environmental protection in Colombia. we promote sustainable and local commerce.
We focus on:
Communicate and raise awareness.
Generate resources and alliances.
Work to mitigate and offset the impact of our operation on the environment and contribute to the generation of environmental awareness among the community and our guests.
• Educate clients, employees and suppliers.
• Market healthy alternatives.
• Purpose: We promote a calm, safe, attractive and inclusive work environment, in which team members can develop personally and professionally towards the achievement of organizational objectives, thus generating commitment and leadership.
Strategic focuses:
o We promote social dialogue.
o We develop our people in being and doing.
o We are attractive, diverse and inclusive
Considerations and miscellaneous
The policy must be reviewed at least every 2 years in a strategic way and adjusted according to updates and approvals. Changes to the policy must be authorized by the assigned professional and subsequently by management.
Tiki Hut